Tuesday 1 October 2013

Unconscious Processing

Unconscious Processing

Questions that bring answers, questions no matter how exotic should be posed to the mind persistently, always expecting, as a tenet, that the mind will provide the answers.

Believing in the existence of the vast realm of consciousness network beyond the reach of the conscious mind but it is touched by the individual, though, through a pathway which it is unconscious in its essence.

This is the exotic question I posed to my mind just minutes ago to achieve this connection with this vast unconscious network with a goal of bringing the Greek basketball team to beat the USA basketball team in Japan for the World Basketball Championship.

It is 09:29 Greenwich time on the 01/09/2006 in Glasgow, it was 09:26 when I glanced at the time when I returned back from the kitchen after I felt disappointed from the way the game was going for the Greek team frustrated form an apparent lack of form on behalf of the Greek team as it was trailing the US by 21-30.

As I was in the kitchen I posed to my conscious mind the question of using my “energy” to influence the course of the game asserting the significance of the unconsciousness of the process and I tried to achieve this unconscious connection by fervently washing the dishes to distract my conscious mind away from the game and to leave my unconscious part free to achieve that connection.

 I did that and now the score is 45-40 for the Greek team. It should have been 09:21 when I left and during that time the Greek team scored 22 points. I was 09:42 and it is now 09:57 and the score is 71-61 and the score is going the Greek team way.

Το θαυμα κυλαει στις φλεβες των ανθρωπων” Σεφερης, ..

.. that is what is mentioned among the statements surfacing out of the celebrations from the media after the victory of 101-95 of the Greek team versus the USA.

"The miracle flows in the veins of the people."

 The “miracle“ as I see it the “energy” that flows through the unconscious network that binds the human intellect.

The “veins” pathways in the unconscious network that binds humanity tapped by individuals unconsciously as groups or as a whole to bring about the “miracle” anticipated by the groups of individuals or humanity as a whole.

The “miracle” being a result of adrenaline flowing in the veins of the physical individuals as a result of an “adrenaline” like flow in the pathways of the unconscious network.

Ψυχολογικα, μπορω να σας πω, οτι ημουνα μαζι με τα παιδια”;  .. απο τις δηλωσεις του Καμπουρη.

"Psychologically I was with the guys."

 In this statement I see the individual contributions that present the endings in the pathways traversing the unconscious network creating the sufficient “bed”, substrate, upon which a single event will trigger the release of “adrenaline” by unconscious processing according to the rules of chaos to effect the desired result.

"Οι ΗΠΑ προηγήθηκαν με 22-14 στο ξεκίνημα, ωστόσο οι Έλληνες διεθνείς με ένα 5-0 σερί μείωσαν στους τρεις (19-22) 8:56 πριν το τέλος. Από εκείνο το σημείο οι παίκτες του Μάικ Σιζέφσκι πήραν τον έλεγχο του αγώνα και με πρωταγωνιστή για μια ακόμη φορά τον Καρμέλο Άντονι έκαναν ξέφυγαν με 33-21 με επιμέρους σκορ 11-2 εξίμισι λεπτά πριν το ημίχρονο. Στο σημείο αυτό, θαρρείς ένα… μαγικό ραβδάκι ακούμπησε την ελληνική ομάδα και στα επόμενα λεπτά το αντιπροσωπευτικό μας συγκρότημα έπαιξε… διαστημικό μπάσκετ και έφτασε να προηγείται με 43-38 (22-5 σερί) 0:48 πριν την ανάπαυλα. 
Ο Σοφοκλής Σχορτσιανίτης έκανε πάρτι κάτω από τα καλάθια (9 πόντους), ο Θοδωρής Παπαλουκάς «χτυπούσε» στον αιφνιδιασμό, ο Βασίλης Σπανούλης σκόραρε με τρίποντα (άμεσα και δύο φορές… έμμεσα, δηλαδή με τρεις βολές) και η ελληνική άμυνα (που στο μεταξύ είχε γίνει και πάλι μαν του μαν) σε συνδυασμό με την αστοχία των Αμερικανών και τον έλεγχο των ριμπάουντ πήγε στα αποδυτήρια προηγούμενη με 45-41. "

The extract from SuperSport FM 94.6 - Είδηση αναλυτικά by Eurobank

.. points to the time interval I mentioned above when frustrated by the course of the game for the Greek team I stopped listening to the radio broadcast and I went in the kitchen and attempted to establish an unconscious connection with the consciousness network. Whether this provides an indication of success of my effort and proof to my theory, it remains to be seen.


.. “as if a …. magic wand touched the Greek squad…

statement, gives the magical, unbelievable arcane dimension of my claims, which made

…and in the next minutes our representing squad played… ”space” basketball and headed by 43-38 (22-5 run)….”.

The “magic wand” being the manifestation of the “energy” channeled to the players.

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