Thursday 23 December 2010

It is compelling the necessity .. to create chaos in order create order .. is compelling the necessity .. to create chaos in order create order ..

Something that comes out by reading this passage from the book 'Chaotic cognition: principles and applications' by Ronald A. Finke and Jonathan Bettle, Chapter 'Misunderstanding the opposite style', pages 12-13.

"Not surprisingly, ordered and chaotic thinkers often misunderstand one another, and each can seem irrational from the other's perspective. Ordered thinkers sometimes accuse chaotic thinkers of being undisciplined, unreliable, frivolous, unstable, and disorganised."

.. undisciplined, unreliable, frivolous, unstable, and disorganised .. marring chaos itself and its advocates, becoming an overriding norm of the established systems at large, succumbing the individual to bonding

"They might regard the rapid shifts in chaotic thinking as a sign that the person has a wavering, capricious disposition. Chaotic thinkers will sometimes accuse ordered thinkers of being rigid, authoritarian, uncaring, negative, and detached."

..rigid, authoritarian, uncaring, negative, and detached .. the true-calling of the advocates one that is attributed to the very systems in power, their defining attributes

"They might regard an ordered thinker's resistance to change as a sign that the person has lost touch with reality. But neither style of thinking is inherently more rational or superior than the other. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, their strengths and weaknesses."

.. betraying the stance of the authors, themselves by definition as being ordered thinkers, their ordered thinking compels them to take issues with the chaotic thinking as they cannot escape reaching the aforementioned conclusion, which reveals the power chaos has by itself, rendering the division between ordered and chaotic thinking pointless, chaotic and ordered thinking hand-in-hand in principle, and in concept, parts of cycle ever revolving from one mode to the other, and as such within each individual, as well as within each society. The overriding influence of ordered thinkers waning, this very exposition a sign.

"From their point of view, most chaotic thinkers do not see themselves as actually creating chaos. Rather, they are merely reacting to an inherently chaotic world. "

.. they are merely reacting .. a meek effort to pay deserved dues from the viewpoint of the authors ordered thinking mode, what it only allows them to admit

 ..chaotic thinking is delving deep into the recesses of the inner workings of the mind, the mind being a part of nature itself, it works like nature. Nature herself has a lot to teach the human individual, it has performed miracles and continues to, it has produced the wondrous surroundings which we live in, and most of all the human individual, so much maligned and degraded by the political systems in power, barely given its due respect, that even by talking in the terms of the prevailing systems, the money powered advanced science would have to spend millions of notes of any kind, to produce an imitation with just a tenth of the capabilities the human individual possesses and yet the human individual is treated by the systems as a cheap commodity, one that are a-plenty around to do what you wish.

And nature herself and the mind alike use chaos to perform its feats, the chaos at the roots of all activities nature and people continuously undertake. Nevertheless obscured, hidden by the superficial order the systems proclaim and promote which its only goal is to continue to subjugate the human individual

"Ordered thinkers, however, often see them as creating chaos and disrupting the natural order of things.

..disrupting the natural order of things .. a deeply false sense of nature and nature's order, one to serve the prevailing systems own petty means, self-servedly.

"They sometimes perceive chaotic thinkers as threatening and accuse them of subverting the ordered way.

.. subverting the ordered way .. the warpath established societies are onto in an all-out war for the overlords to preserve their status, material and not.

"To most ordered thinkers, their own way of thinking has a certain purity; their plans are beautifully organized and deeply satisfying."

.. a fallacy perpetuated, drawn deep in self-indulging ego trips.

"But because chaotic thinkers usually try to see things in a multiplicity of ways, they are frequently adding new and unexpected complications. As a result, ordered thinkers might begin to feel that their plans are no longer pure and unified, and they might come to think that chaotic thinkers are just ruining their world."

..they (chaotic thinkers) are frequently adding new and unexpected complications .. ordered thinkers and their accomplishment, the established governing systems have not managed to eradicate chaotic thinkers from their abode, unable to, chaotic thinking and its advocates intrinsic within systems despite the war against them, and if for the sake of ordered thinkers is seen as undermining the beauty apparent to them, it serves, hot-footing in the cause of the deeper purpose that societies seek out, to truly elevate the human individual to the pedestal it deserves.

"When this happens, ordered thinkers may go on the warpath, trying to rid their lives of any chaos whatsoever. They might begin imposing order and structure with even greater determination, in an effort to shield themselves."

.. instincts take hold and precedence .. self-preservation provides the most inappropriate responses

"The president of a company, for example, might begin eliminating all chaotic thinkers from the organization. A husband or wife structuring his or her marriage so rigidly that no distractions or uncertainties are permitted. These efforts to remove or suppress chaotic thinking are almost always self-destructive. "

self-destructive .. as for a human individual .. and as for a society .. or any other system as such .. chaotic and ordered .. are the different facets .. coexisting .. residing in the same abode .. the two parts of a whole .. destroying one .. you can not but destroy the other too ..

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